Deactivate certain functions of Windows
written by Madhukar Hiranya
at August 19, 2007
To prohibit certain functions of Windows, launch regedit and return to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
Then you can create or modify the following character strings and to put them at 1 if you want to block the following functions:
- Noclose: Windows does not stop any more
- Nodesktop: Remove rles icons of the office
- Nofind: to remove the option “search” from start menu
- Norun: to remove the option “to carry out” from start menu
- NoSetTaskBar: to immobilize the tasks bar
- NoStartBanner: to eliminate the message from departure in the tasks bar
- NoSartMenuSubFolders: To decontaminate the under-files of the menu to start
- NosaveSettinngs: To prevent the recording of the office at the time of the stop of Windows
- NoSetFolders: To prevent the access to the order parameters
- NoConfigPage: To prevent the access to the configuration of posting
- NoDevMgrPage: To prevent the access to the manager of peripherals
- NoFileSysPage: To prevent the access to the button “filing system”
- NoVirtMemPage: To prevent the access to the configuration of the virtual memory
- NoDelePrinter: To prevent from removing the printers
- NoWelcomeScreen: To remove the welcome scree
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January 22, 2010 at 3:42 PM
You know what, try Bluetooth blocker to jam all spy devices in your home or office.